jueves, febrero 20, 2025


Recent Advances in Schumpeterian Growth: Theory and Evidence

December 12 – 13, 2019, Tucumán Argentina

The Workshop “Recent Advances in Schumpeterian Growth: Theory and Evidence” will be held December 12-13, 2019 in Tucuman, Argentina. This is a special opportunity for participants to come together and share the discussion on recent advances on Schumpeterian economic growth, with presentations from leading researchers in this area, around the world. Join us for a host of keynote lectures on the frontier in the field of economic growth.

Concurrently with the Workshop, Professor Aghion will be awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa distinction from the National University of Tucuman.

Workshop focus
The Workshop is dedicated to recent advances in Schumpeterian Growth Theory and Empirical Evidences. The Workshop will have conferences and paper discussions in recent advances in innovation and growth, the interplay between innovation-led growth, inequality and social mobility, the interplay between macroeconomic policy and structural reforms, the role of the state in the growth process, relationship between artificial intelligence and economic growth, connection to unemployment, business cycle, innovation and adoption of technology, economic policies, regulations, social origin of the inventors,  and other topics. There are going to be advanced research presentation at the world knowledge frontier in this field.

Academic Chairman: Dr. Philippe Aghion (College de France, London School of Economics, and Harvard University)

Academic Co-Chairman: Dr. Ufuk Akcigit (University of Chicago)

Local Organizer: Dr. Victor J. Elias (National University of Tucuman)

Contact Information:
Dr. Victor J. Elias
E-mail: ieatuc@yahoo.com.ar
Telephone: +54 381 4220602

The Workshop will be hosted at the Sheraton Hotel (Calchaqui’s salon), close to “9 de Julio” park, featuring delightful park and city views.

Doctor Honoris Causa Ceremony
On December 12, 2019, at 11:00, Dr. Philippe Aghion will receive the Doctor Honoris Causa honorary title of the University of Tucuman. With the participation of the Authorities of the University of Tucuman, the Government of Tucuman, and the French Embassy in Argentina.

 Social events
A banquet (by invitation) will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 12:30 PM after the Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony.

Many participants have shown interest in participating in the Workshop coming from many countries and institutions such as IMF, World Bank, IDB, CAF, FR Bank of Dallas, FR Bank of Minneapolis, Central Bank of Argentina, Central Bank of Chile, University of Chicago, Princeton University, University of California San Diego, University of Wisconsin, University of Notre Dame, University of Massachusetts, University of Alcala de Henares, University of Buenos Aires, University of CEMA, University of San Andres, University Torcuato Di Tella, University of La Plata, University of Mar del Plata, University of Tucuman, University of Cordoba, National Academy of Economic Science, FIEL, Federal and Local Government.

Banco Ciudad, National University of Tucuman (UNT), Department of Economics (FACE-UNT), Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Government of Tucuman, French Embassy in Argentina, Central Bank of Argentina, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Tucuman, Consejo Federal de Inversiones.

Local Organizing Committee
Chairman: Victor J. Elias (UNT)
Alejandro Danon (UNT)
Ana M. Cerro (UNT)
Oscar Bercovich (UNT)
Valentina Perelmut (UNT)


Preliminary Program

Thursday, December 12, 2019
8:30 Registration


9:00 – 9:15 Welcome Speech

Jose L. Jimenez (Dean), Victor Elias and Philippe Aghion


9:15 – 10:30 Keynote Lecture: Philippe Aghion (College de France, London School of Economics, Harvard University)


«Growth enigmas through the lens of Schumpeterian growth theory»


Chairperson: Alejandro Izquierdo (Principal Technical Leader, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC)


10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Doctor Honoris Causa (DHC) Ceremony:

Musical performance.

National Hymns of Argentina and France.

Reading of the DHC Resolution for Professor Philippe Aghion of the University of Tucuman.

Semblance of Professor Philippe Aghion by Victor Elias.

Awarding of the DHC and University Resolution by the University Rector Ing. Agr. Jose Ramon Garcia and the Dean of the Department of Economics Mg. Jose L. Jimenez.

Writing of a short paragraph by Philippe Aghion in the Golden Book of the University.

Speech by Philippe Aghion.


Place: Aconquija Salon


12:30 – 14:00 Lunch in celebration of the Doctor Honoris Causa distinction to Professor Philippe Aghion


15:00 – 15:30 Coffee interval
15:30 – 16:45 Keynote Lecture: Hugo Hopenhayn (UCLA)


“From Population Growth to Firm Demographics: Implications for Concentration, Entrepreneurship and the Labor Share”

(based on a paper with Julian Neira, University of Exeter, and Rish Singhania, University of Exeter)


Chairperson: Adolfo Sturzenegger (UNLP)


16:45 – 18:00 Papers Session

* Mariana Colacelli (IMF, Washington DC)

“Macroeconomic Effects of Japan’s Demographics: Can Structural Reforms Reverse Them?”

(based on a paper written with Emilio Fernandez Corugedo, IMF)


* Nelson Lind (Emory University & NYU)

“Global Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion”

(based on a paper written with Natalia Ramondo (UC San Diego)


Chairperson: Karina S. Casellas (CIEP, INTA, Buenos Aires)


20:00 – Dinner
Friday, December 13, 2019
9:00 – 10:15 Keynote Lecture: Ufuk Akcigit (University of Chicago)

«Economics of Creative Destruction and Public Policy»


Chairperson: Julio J. Elias (UCEMA, JILAEE-Joint Initiative for Latin American Experimental Economics)


10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00 Papers Session

*Hildegart Ahumada (UTDT) and Fernando Navajas (FIEL)

“Productivity Growth and Infrastructure Related Sectors”


Chairperson: Daniel Lema (INTA, UCEMA)


12:30 – Lunch
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee interval
15:30 – 16:45 Paper Session: Pablo Sanguinetti (CAF, Development Bank of Latin America)

“CAF RED Report on Institutions for Productivity”


Chairperson: Osvado Meloni (UNT)


16-45 – 17:15 Closing remarks: Philippe Aghion