La Facultad de Ciencias Económicas a través del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (INVECO), invita a participar del curso «Modelos de Negociación», a cargo del Dr. Joaquín Coleff, Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata.
Se dictará hoy lunes 28 de mayo, en el Aula 1 de nuestra Casa, en el horario de 9 a 10:30.
Por otro lado el Dr. Coleff brindará un Seminario de Investigación denominado: Can Consumer Complaints Reduce Product Reliability? Should We Worry?,
El seminario tendrá lugar el próximo martes 29 de mayo, de 9.15 a 10:15 horas, en el Aula 1 de nuestra facultad, Av. Independencia 1900.
Resumen del Trabajo: We analyze a monopolist’s pricing and product reliability decision in a model where consumers are entitled to product replacement if the product fails, but have heterogeneous costs of exercising this right. Our main result shows that, under some conditions, a decrease in consumers expected claiming cost leads to a decrease in products reliability but an increase in profits and welfare. This result is robust to a number of extensions. Our results are in line with anecdotal evidence suggest- ing that changes in consumers’ claiming cost can be induced by both third parties (governments, consumers’ organizations, private enterprises, etc.) and firms. More precisely, since, under some conditions, profit and welfare align, public initiatives oriented to lower consumers’ claiming cost will be ultimately joined by firms which benefit from further increases in complaints.
Cabe aclarar que ambas capacitaciones son abiertas a estudiantes y profesores de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán y no requieren de inscripción previa.